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Tax Saving Consultation - Questionnaire

    Please fill out this form to help us design a tax saving strategy centered around what is most important to you and your specific objectives.
    This form takes around 2 - 3 min to fill. Thank you.


    Please provide some more information about your Business :


    Please check the one most appropriate to you:

    1. Wills and Will planning is :
    2. Appointing Power of Attorney is :
    3. Insuring our key people is :
    4. I consider a good life insurance program to be :
    5. On my death, my family’s ability to maintain their standard of living is :
    6. In the event of my death, paying off debt is :
    7. Rewarding key people is :
    8. Eventually passing my business to my child(ren) is :
    9. If I cannot work due to sickness or disability, assuring an income is :
    10. Retirement planning is :
    11. Tax deferred investing is :
    12. Buying out a shareholder on death is :
    13. Estate planning to save tax is :


    I plan to (OR) expect to :


    1. I have outlined my financial plans on paper :
    2. I know when I want to retire :
    3. I know what capital I need to enjoy my retirement years :
    4. I know how tax deferred savings can be used to my advantage :
    5. My life insurance program is consistent with my retirement plans :
    6. I carry personal disability or accident/sickness insurance :
    7. Our business has a written business succession plan :
    8. My life insurance is consistent with our business succession plan :
    9. I have developed a tax effective estate plan :
    10. I have a current, valid Will that is consistent with my estate plan :
    11. I understand the full impact of how taxes will be applied to my estate :
    12. My life insurance is consistent with my total estate plan :
    13. I understand how trusts are used in estate planning :


    1. A review of all my existing insurance :
    2. Ways to provide for my family in the event of death :
    3. Insurance to pay off debt :
    4. Creditor protection :
    5. Supplemental executive compensation plans for key employees :
    6. Supplemental executive compensation plans for business owners :
    7. Ways to minimize income taxes :
    8. Ways to reduce estate taxes :
    9. Tools for family business succession :
    10. Ways to pay me if I become critically ill :
    11. Tools to extract retained earnings :
    12. Tax efficient supplemental income for my retirement :
    13. Estate planning :
    14. Investments that are tax favored :
    15. Charitable giving :
    16. Buy-sell agreements for multiple shareholders :
    17. Other (specify) :


    Please check the one most appropriate to you :

    1. Saving and accumulating money on a regular basis is :
    2. Providing educational funds for children is :
    3. Having a professional advisor involved in my insurance, investment and retirement planning is :
    4. Developing and maintaining a strategic financial plan is :
    5. Having an up-to-date will and power of attorney is :
    6. In the event of my death or my spouse’s/partner’s premature death, maintaining our family’s lifestyle is :
    7. In the case of a disability or critical illness for me or my spouse/partner, paying off any outstanding mortgage or debt is :
    8. In the case of a disability or critical illness for me or my spouse/partner, providing for our children’s post-secondary education is :
    9. In the case of a disability or critical illness for me or my spouse/partner, being able to pay off the mortgage and other major bills is :
    10. In the case of a disability or critical illness for me or my spouse/partner, maintaining our standard of living and lifestyle is :
    11. In the case of a disability or critical illness for me or my spouse/partner, being able to pay for any additional medical expenses is :
    12. Minimizing the impact of inflation and taxes is :
    13. At retirement, having sufficient funds to retire on my own term is :


    I plan to (OR) expect to (check all that apply) :



    1. I have a professional advisor who guides me in my financial planning :
    2. I know what I am entitled to under my and/or my spouse’s/ partner’s group benefits and/or pension plan :
    3. I have a regular savings and accumulation program :
    4. I have plans in place to provide post-secondary education for my children :
    5. I know how much income I will receive if I become disabled :
    6. In the event of a critical illnes (e.g., heart attack, cancer) I have enough money to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments :
    7. I/We can afford the costs of long-term care should the need arise :


    1. I know what capital I need now to be on a permanent vacation during my retirement years :
    2. My pension plan/retirement fund is structured to maximize it’s benefits :
    3. I maximize my RRSP contributions each year :
    4. My current rate of savings and investments are sufficient to meet my retirement objectives :
    5. I understand what happens to my group benefits at retirement :


    1. I/We have made a list of all important documents and their location :
    2. I understand the full impact of how taxes will be applied to my estate and those ramifications :
    3. I have an up-to-date will and power of attorney :
    4. My/Our current life insurance coverage will sustain our family’s lifestyle after my death :


    1. A review of my savings and investment programs :
    2. Ways to maximize my pension and retirement income :
    3. Ways to fund post secondary education for my children or grandchildren :
    4. Ways to put an up-to-date financial plan in place :
    5. Ways to maintain my family’s lifestyle in the event of my death or disability :
    6. Ways to maximize charitable gifting :
    7. Strategies to reduce taxes :
    8. Insurance to pay off the mortgage :
    9. Ways to offset the cost of a critical illness :
    10. Ways to offset the substantial expense of long term care :
    11. Ways to fund Capital Gains and other estate taxes :
    12. Ways to ensure the value of my business goes to my family should I die, become disabled or critically ill :
    13. Life insurance on (check accordingly) :
    14. Income protection (Disability) (check accordingly) :
    15. Critical Illness Insurance on (check accordingly) :
    16. Long Term Care Insurance (check accordingly) :